GridVille Program KU

GridVille is a joint NTNU-KU interdisciplinary program that aims to design and develop sustainable electricity
system while also providing development assistance to Nepal’s energy deficient rural communities. Constant
increment in energy demand and phasing out of non-renewable energy is becoming a challenge for developing
countries like Nepal. The consequent concern on production, transport and
storage of electricity raised due to inadequate sustainable
infrastructure and its management with lack
of investment has built a positive interest to
operate the program. Regarding such
challenges GridVille intends to
develop an electricity supply chain
through micro-grid system in
communities by the direct
involvement of students
who also provide training program for
users. Through community engagement and
collaboration both institutions can
transfer the knowledge not only to respective
institutions but also to the community level. This program helps to
enhance the economic and social development of the community
by creating the better opportunities to the local people of the project areas uplifting their living standard and
Besides NTNU-KU collaboration projects, GridVille carries the same spirit as carried by the Community
Engagement Division (CED) at KU-of bringing the knowledge and product developed at KU for the service and
use at the community level. With the vision to be the conveyor of knowledge and product developed at KU for
the service and use at the community level creating a sustainable circular economy in the region, our mission of
this program is to develop and deploy solar wind energy and micro-hydro in Nepal’s remote areas through
student mobilization

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