Technical Execution

Technical Execution Process


The program will run one project each year for five years as a part of NTNU-KU collaboration.


In 1, ‘program’ is defined as a whole GridVille program that will be operated under KUSOE whereas ‘project’ is defined as a design and installation of power-generation and energy supply chain systems, different in each year starting from 2022 till 2026 that falls under work-package 1.


Project is executed in three cycles. .


First cycle: In the first cycle of a project;

 i) site selection and feasibility study is done for the second cycle,

 ii) power-generation system is defined,

 iii) design of the system is done,

 iv) required equipment is acquired


Second cycle: In the second cycle of a project;

i) prototype of the system is manufactured,

ii) testing and debugging is done,

iii) site selection for the third cycle is done


Third cycle: In the third cycle of a project; 

i) student exchange of NTNU and KU student is done, 

ii) installation of power plant is done by exchange students in respective countries.


In 3.3, regardless of whatever is mentioned regarding the student exchange program,
exchange program between NTNU-KU will only be executed upon the availability of
proper financial status. Otherwise, respective students of the universities will involve
in respective third cycles.


Selection of the type of power generation system is done on the basis of feasibility of
the system in the site.


In 5, by ‘feasibility’ means the technical and economic feasibility of the system.


Technical feasibility of the system is done by the student members of school of
engineering whereas student members of school of management/Arts and school of
law examine the socio-economic feasibility.


6 is also applied to work-packages 2 and 3.